Visiting AAON HQ, Oct 5, 2023
Here is a useful combustion tool developed by my collaborator; Dr. Shubham Srivastava (from Rheem Water Heating) that is used in our lab.
This combustion simulator is useful for studying a mixture of reacting flows. Contact Dr. Shubham Srivastava for access and copyright.
I taught 3 graduate and 8 undergraduate courses, as follows:
1. Fluid Mechanics ENSC3233
The study of fluid properties, statics, conservation equations, dimensional analysis and similitude, viscous flow in ducts, inviscid flow, boundary layer theory, open channel flow, turbomachinery and fluid measurement techniques. Prerequisite(s): ENSC 2113 and MATH 2153 with a grade of "C" or better.
2. Engineering Analysis and Methods MAE3013
Setup and solution of equations which govern mechanical engineering systems. Application and solution of the governing equations to describe the steady state or transient behavior of dynamics, mechanics and circuit problems. Linear sets of equations, ODEs will be used to describe systems. Solutions may be simplified using complex numbers of Fourier/Laplace transforms. Numerical methods for solutions will be covered. Data analysis, quality control and statistical hypothesis testing will be covered. Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or higher in PHYS 2114 and MATH 2233.
3. Heat Transfer MAE3233
Mechanisms of heat transfer. Steady and transient conduction, free and forced convection, heat exchanger design and analysis, radiation and multiphase behavior. Numerical methods, dimensional analysis and boundary layer theory. Prerequisite(s): A grade of "C" or higher in ENSC 3233.
4. Compressible Flow MAE3293
Basic equations of compressible flow. Nozzle and duct flows with friction and heat transfer, choking, normal and oblique shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer expansions, compressible flow over airfoils. Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or higher in ENSC 2213 and ENSC 3233 and MATH 2233.
I use Gas Dynamics, 3rd Edition by John and Keith. Click here.
Prof. Cimbala (Penn. State Univ.) on Oblique Shock Waves:
How the SR-71 Blackbird works
5. Thermal Fluids Design MAE3524
Design, modeling and simulation of thermal systems. Analysis and modeling of components such as fans, pumps, ducts, pipes, fittings, heat exchangers, and heat pumps. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MAE professional school. Grades of “C” or higher in ENSC 2213 and ENSC 3233 or concurrent in MAE 3233.
Video 1: How to install MATLAB
Video 2: First Time to run MATLAB
YouTube: Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination/Wastewater Treatment Video 1, Video 2
Video 1: How to install MATLAB
Video 2: First Time to run MATLAB
YouTube: Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination/Wastewater Treatment Video 1, Video 2
6. Aerospace Propulsion and Power MAE4243
The study of aerospace power and propulsion engines utilizing a gas as the working fluid. Design and analysis of complete aircraft engine systems and individual components of the aircraft engine. Engine component matching for design using analysis routines, including inlets and diffusers, fans and compressors, combustors, turbines, nozzles, and propellers. Additional propulsion and power systems including chemical and non-chemical rocket motors and other internal combustion engines. Prerequisite(s): Grades of “C” or higher in ENSC 3233 and MAE 3293.
7. Energy Conversion Systems MAE4263
This course covers the use of renewable and non-renewable energy sources in power production. Energy conversion processes are analyzed, and performance characteristics of components and systems are modeled using modern computational methods. Applications include overall design of conventional Rankine power systems and may also include design of nuclear, solar, wind, wave, thermoelectric, and geothermal energy systems. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MAE professional school. Grades of "C" or higher in MAE 3233 and MAE 3223 or MAE 3524.
8. Experimental Fluid Dynamics MAE4273
Experimental study of basic and applied fluid dynamics systems with comparisons to analytical predictions. Fluid dynamics instrumentation, digital data acquisition and processing, design of facilities and experiments, technical report writing and design project with experimental verification. Prerequisite(s): A grade of "C" or higher in MAE 3113 and ENSC 3233.
9. Micro Flows MAE5243
Fundamentals and simulation of micro flows including governing equation, slip models, shear- and pressure-driven micro flows. Thermal effects in micro scales. Applications; MEMS and micro propulsion. Numerical methods for continuum simulation and atomistic simulation. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
10. Multiphase Flow MAE5253
Theory, methods and practical experience for studying complex transient multiphase flows: basic concepts and definition, dynamics of bubbles, drops and rigid particles, gas-liquid transport in ducts, fluid-solid transport in ducts, aerosol and spray systems, foam, fluidization, particle separation systems multiphase flow in porous media, breakup of liquid sheets and jets, modeling, advanced experimental techniques for multiphase flow. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
11. Combustion MAE 5263
Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, conservation equations for reacting systems, premixed laminar flames, diffusion flames, turbulent flames, mechanism reduction and chemistry solvers, combustion diagnostics, new combustion technologies